ENTHRONING SILENCE "Unamed Quintessence of Grimness" CD NOW AVAILABLE!

The super-rare first album (originally released on extremely limited-edition Vinyl LP from Germany's now defunct Sombre Records) now on CD from Italy's ENTHRONING SILENCE; later followed-up by the ultra-cult "A Dream of Nightskies" album which was released on vinyl LP (now also 'SOLD OUT' and 'Out of Print') by Painiac Records cult! In the grim suicidal vein of ABYSSIC HATE, and fellow countrymen FORGOTTEN TOMB! Highly atmospheric, high-density darkness and desolate grimness which is as essential as the current works by similar contemporary outfits XASTHUR, DRUDKH (aka HATE FOREST), LEVIATHAN SF, early SHINING, etc.! The majority of songs are sung in English this time out (dreamy, reverb-drenched whispery 'session vocals'-- still raspy and super-GRIM, by Arcane of THE VEILED LIGHT), with lyrics printed in the CD booklet. Released on CD during the Summer of 2004, but these songs written (composed by Alsvarth and Seeker of the Unknown) between 1997-'99 were recorded and mixed during Winter 2001 and is now one of the most sought-after of Sombre Records' vinyl releases!
6 Songs (46:08 minutes); limited-edition import CD featuring black-matte packaging with silver printing! Import CD from WESTWALL Productions, Germany!
1. Unnamed Quintessence of Grimness
2. Thy Essence
3. Golden Paths To Suicidal Abyss
4. Embraced To Cosmic Infinity
5. Renaissance
6. Transfiguration of the Triarchy
* IMPORTANT NOTE: This is a SPECIAL CLEARANCE PRICE only while Limited Supply lasts; we have only nine (9) copies available for Summer 2006 (July / August) at this special low price because the booklets were received water-damaged enroute from Germany. The actual CD discs and back-cover [tray-cards] are un-damaged, and are in PERFECT condition-- all housed in brand new jewel-cases, too! The water-damaged booklets have been steam-ironed by us (sandwiched inbetween clean butcher paper), and while the silver-grey metallic printing remains intact, the booklets appear to be intentionally 'antiqued' or 'distressed', and therefore 'NON-RETURNABLE'!!!
* Words of praise from metalreview.com webzine:
"...this is an impeccable synthesis between Abyssic Hate’s monumental landmark in suffocating self-loathing, Suicidal Emotions and the jet-black, ponderously acrid despondency of vintage Burzum, espousing a morbidly dark-hearted ethic that will likely find its niche amongst today’s finest merchants of doom n’gloom.
"...orienting their compositions around atmosphere and understated simplicity, evoking bitterly unsavory feelings of loss, despair and longing within repetitious, mesmerizing structures. There is a definite aesthetic conduit that exists between Enthroning Silence and many of today’s most en vogue flavors of the month- Nortt, Xasthur, Drudkh, Leviathan and Forgotten Tomb all advocate a similarly minded strain of melancholia, cohering spiteful bitterness through drawn-out, hauntingly melodic dronescapes. To be fair, however, Enthroning Silence are a rawer proposition than most, crafting a sound that is more urgent than Nortt, more consistently engaging than Xasthur, less frilly/flowery than Drudkh and better written than either Leviathan or Forgotten Tomb.
"Everything here WORKS- the rhythms are minimalistic without being haphazardly tedious, the insidious melodies shift often enough to deftly avoid monotony, the distant-sounding vocals infuse the record with tortured desperation (achieving something that Velvet Cacoon spectacularly failed to), the structures simultaneously exhibiting a disciplined thoughtfulness while allowing enough spaciousness for the listener to embark on his own flights of introspection. Fascinatingly Enthroning Silence works in both passive and active listenings- while acts such as Xasthur and Nortt prove to be exhausting if one does not devote the time and focus to them, Enthroning Silence proves a compelling and intoxicating experience in any circumstance, which should be welcome news to today’s attention-deficient audience.
"If you are a fan of the post-Abyssic Hate 'depressive black art' scene that has captured imaginations across the black metal landscape, I urge you to indulge in this. So much of this stuff is portentous and self-indulgent, so it’s fucking great to get something that it is accessible, genuine and thoroughly engaging from first minute to last. " -- NIN CHAN / metalreview.com
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